So, you want to stream old classic movies on your computer without signing up for an IPTV service? In that case, you’ll want to read this article. You’ll learn exactly how to do that by creating M3U Playlist. You’ll also learn what M3U links are and how they let you create these playlist guides!
15000+ Channels Free IPTV M3u Playlist links
Country | M3U Code |
United States M3U Playlist | US.M3U |
China M3U Playlist | CN.M3U |
Japan M3U Playlist | JP.M3U |
Germany M3U Playlist | DE.M3U |
United Kingdom M3U Playlist | UK.M3U |
France M3U Playlist | FR.M3U |
India M3U Playlist | IN.M3U |
Russia M3U Playlist | RU.M3U |
Brazil M3U Playlist | BR.M3U |
Canada M3U Playlist | CA.M3U |
Australia M3U Playlist | AU.M3U |
South Korea M3U Playlist | KR.M3U |
Italy M3U Playlist | IT.M3U |
Spain M3U Playlist | ES.M3U |
Indonesia M3U Playlist | ID.M3U |
Mexico M3U Playlist | MX.M3U |
Turkey M3U Playlist | TR.M3U |
Saudi Arabia M3U Playlist | SA.M3U |
Switzerland M3U Playlist | CH.M3U |
Netherlands M3U Playlist | NL.M3U |
Argentina M3U Playlist | AR.M3U |
Sweden M3U Playlist | SE.M3U |
Poland M3U Playlist | PL.M3U |
Belgium M3U Playlist | BE.M3U |
Norway M3U Playlist | NO.M3U |
Afghanistan M3U Playlist | AF.M3U |
Albania M3U Playlist | AL.M3U |
Algeria M3U Playlist | DZ.M3U |
Argentina M3U Playlist | AG.M3U |
Armenia M3U Playlist | AM.M3U |
Australia M3U Playlist | AU.M3U |
Austria M3U Playlist | AT.M3U |
Azerbaijan M3U Playlist | AZ.M3U |
Bahamas M3U Playlist | BS.M3U |
Bahrain M3U Playlist | BH.M3U |
Bangladesh M3U Playlist | BD.M3U |
Barbados M3U Playlist | BB.M3U |
Belarus M3U Playlist | BY.M3U |
Belgium M3U Playlist | BE.M3U |
Belize M3U Playlist | BZ.M3U |
Benin M3U Playlist | BJ.M3U |
Bhutan M3U Playlist | BT.M3U |
Bolivia M3U Playlist | BO.M3U |
Bosnia and Herzegovina M3U Playlist | BA.M3U |
Botswana M3U Playlist | BW.M3U |
Brazil M3U Playlist | BR.M3U |
Brunei M3U Playlist | BN.M3U |
Bulgaria M3U Playlist | BG.M3U |
Burkina Faso M3U Playlist | BF.M3U |
Burundi M3U Playlist | BI.M3U |
Cabo Verde M3U Playlist | CV.M3U |
Cambodia M3U Playlist | KH.M3U |
Cameroon M3U Playlist | CM.M3U |
Canada M3U Playlist | CA.M3U |
Central African Republic M3U Playlist | CF.M3U |
Chad M3U Playlist | TD.M3U |
Chile M3U Playlist | CL.M3U |
China M3U Playlist | CN.M3U |
Colombia M3U Playlist | CO.M3U |
Comoros M3U Playlist | KM.M3U |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the M3U Playlist | CD.M3U |
Congo, Republic of the M3U Playlist | CG.M3U |
Costa Rica M3U Playlist | CR.M3U |
Cote d’Ivoire M3U Playlist | CI.M3U |
Croatia M3U Playlist | HR.M3U |
Cuba M3U Playlist | CU.M3U |
Cyprus M3U Playlist | CY.M3U |
Czech Republic M3U Playlist | CZ.M3U |
Denmark M3U Playlist | DK.M3U |
Djibouti M3U Playlist | DJ.M3U |
Dominica M3U Playlist | DM.M3U |
Dominican Republic M3U Playlist | DO.M3U |
East Timor (Timor-Leste) M3U Playlist | TL.M3U |
Ecuador M3U Playlist | EC.M3U |
Egypt M3U Playlist | EG.M3U |
El Salvador M3U Playlist | SV.M3U |
Equatorial Guinea M3U Playlist | GQ.M3U |
Eritrea M3U Playlist | ER.M3U |
Estonia M3U Playlist | EE.M3U |
Eswatini M3U Playlist | SZ.M3U |
Ethiopia M3U Playlist | ET.M3U |
Fiji M3U Playlist | FJ.M3U |
Finland M3U Playlist | FI.M3U |
France M3U Playlist | FR.M3U |
Gabon M3U Playlist | GA.M3U |
Gambia M3U Playlist | GM.M3U |
Georgia M3U Playlist | GE.M3U |
Germany M3U Playlist | DE.M3U |
Ghana M3U Playlist | GH.M3U |
Greece M3U Playlist | GR.M3U |
Grenada M3U Playlist | GD.M3U |
Guatemala M3U Playlist | GT.M3U |
Guinea M3U Playlist | GN.M3U |
Guinea-Bissau M3U Playlist | GW.M3U |
Guyana M3U Playlist | GY.M3U |
Haiti M3U Playlist | HT.M3U |
Honduras M3U Playlist | HN.M3U |
Hungary M3U Playlist | HU.M3U |
Iceland M3U Playlist | IS.M3U |
India M3U Playlist | IN.M3U |
Indonesia M3U Playlist | ID.M3U |
Iran M3U Playlist | IR.M3U |
Iraq M3U Playlist | IQ.M3U |
Ireland M3U Playlist | IE.M3U |
Israel M3U Playlist | IL.M3U |
Italy M3U Playlist | IT.M3U |
Jamaica M3U Playlist | JM.M3U |
Japan M3U Playlist | JP.M3U |
Jordan M3U Playlist | JO.M3U |
Kazakhstan M3U Playlist | KZ.M3U |
Kenya M3U Playlist | KE.M3U |
Kiribati M3U Playlist | KI.M3U |
Korea, North M3U Playlist | KP.M3U |
Korea, South M3U Playlist | KR.M3U |
Kosovo M3U Playlist | XK.M3U |
Kuwait M3U Playlist | KW.M3U |
Kyrgyzstan M3U Playlist | KG.M3U |
Laos M3U Playlist | LA.M3U |
Latvia M3U Playlist | LV.M3U |
Lebanon M3U Playlist | LB.M3U |
Lesotho M3U Playlist | LS.M3U |
Liberia M3U Playlist | LR.M3U |
Libya M3U Playlist | LY.M3U |
Liechtenstein M3U Playlist | LI.M3U |
Lithuania M3U Playlist | LT.M3U |
Luxembourg M3U Playlist | LU.M3U |
Madagascar M3U Playlist | MG.M3U |
Malawi M3U Playlist | MW.M3U |
Malaysia M3U Playlist | MY.M3U |
Maldives M3U Playlist | MV.M3U |
Mali M3U Playlist | ML.M3U |
Malta M3U Playlist | MT.M3U |
Marshall Islands M3U Playlist | MH.M3U |
Mauritania M3U Playlist | MR.M3U |
Mauritius M3U Playlist | MU.M3U |
Mexico M3U Playlist | MX.M3U |
Micronesia M3U Playlist | FM.M3U |
Moldova M3U Playlist | MD.M3U |
Monaco M3U Playlist | MC.M3U |
Mongolia M3U Playlist | MN.M3U |
Montenegro M3U Playlist | ME.M3U |
Morocco M3U Playlist | MA.M3U |
Mozambique M3U Playlist | MZ.M3U |
Myanmar (Burma) M3U Playlist | MM.M3U |
Namibia M3U Playlist | NA.M3U |
Nauru M3U Playlist | NR.M3U |
Nepal M3U Playlist | NP.M3U |
Netherlands M3U Playlist | NL.M3U |
New Zealand M3U Playlist | NZ.M3U |
Nicaragua M3U Playlist | NI.M3U |
Niger M3U Playlist | NE.M3U |
Nigeria M3U Playlist | NG.M3U |
North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia) M3U Playlist | MK.M3U |
Norway M3U Playlist | NO.M3U |
Oman M3U Playlist | OM.M3U |
Pakistan M3U Playlist | PK.M3U |
Palau M3U Playlist | PW.M3U |
Palestine M3U Playlist | PS.M3U |
Panama M3U Playlist | PA.M3U |
Papua New Guinea M3U Playlist | PG.M3U |
Paraguay M3U Playlist | PY.M3U |
Peru M3U Playlist | PE.M3U |
Philippines M3U Playlist | PH.M3U |
Poland M3U Playlist | PL.M3U |
Portugal M3U Playlist | PT.M3U |
Qatar M3U Playlist | QA.M3U |
Romania M3U Playlist | RO.M3U |
Russia M3U Playlist | RU.M3U |
Rwanda M3U Playlist | RW.M3U |
Saint Kitts and Nevis M3U Playlist | KN.M3U |
Saint Lucia M3U Playlist | LC.M3U |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines M3U Playlist | VC.M3U |
Samoa M3U Playlist | WS.M3U |
San Marino M3U Playlist | SM.M3U |
Sao Tome and Principe M3U Playlist | ST.M3U |
Saudi Arabia M3U Playlist | SA.M3U |
Senegal M3U Playlist | SN.M3U |
Serbia M3U Playlist | RS.M3U |
Seychelles M3U Playlist | SC.M3U |
Sierra Leone M3U Playlist | SL.M3U |
Singapore M3U Playlist | SG.M3U |
Slovakia M3U Playlist | SK.M3U |
Slovenia M3U Playlist | SI.M3U |
Solomon Islands M3U Playlist | SB.M3U |
Somalia M3U Playlist | SO.M3U |
South Africa M3U Playlist | ZA.M3U |
South Sudan M3U Playlist | SS.M3U |
Spain M3U Playlist | ES.M3U |
Sri Lanka M3U Playlist | LK.M3U |
Sudan M3U Playlist | SD.M3U |
Suriname M3U Playlist | SR.M3U |
Sweden M3U Playlist | SE.M3U |
Switzerland M3U Playlist | CH.M3U |
Syria M3U Playlist | SY.M3U |
Taiwan M3U Playlist | TW.M3U |
Tajikistan M3U Playlist | TJ.M3U |
Tanzania M3U Playlist | TZ.M3U |
Thailand M3U Playlist | TH.M3U |
Togo M3U Playlist | TG.M3U |
Tonga M3U Playlist | TO.M3U |
Trinidad and Tobago M3U Playlist | TT.M3U |
Tunisia M3U Playlist | TN.M3U |
Turkey M3U Playlist | TR.M3U |
Turkmenistan M3U Playlist | TM.M3U |
Tuvalu M3U Playlist | TV.M3U |
Uganda M3U Playlist | UG.M3U |
Ukraine M3U Playlist | UA.M3U |
United Arab Emirates M3U Playlist | AE.M3U |
United Kingdom M3U Playlist | UK.M3U |
United States M3U Playlist | US.M3U |
Uruguay M3U Playlist | UY.M3U |
Uzbekistan M3U Playlist | UZ.M3U |
Vanuatu M3U Playlist | VU.M3U |
Vatican City M3U Playlist | VA.M3U |
Venezuela M3U Playlist | VE.M3U |
Vietnam M3U Playlist | VN.M3U |
Yemen M3U Playlist | YE.M3U |
Zambia M3U Playlist | ZM.M3U |
Zimbabwe M3U Playlist | ZW.M3U |
List of Free IPTV Playlists
Category | Channels | Playlist |
Technology | 50 | Tech Playlist |
Science | 45 | Science Playlist |
Gaming | 70 | Gaming Playlist |
Fitness | 15 | Fitness Playlist |
Art | 20 | Art Playlist |
Nature | 55 | Nature Playlist |
Fashion | 21 | Fashion Playlist |
Cooking | 25 | Cooking Playlist |
Travel | 40 | Travel Playlist |
DIY | 30 | DIY Playlist |
Finance | 35 | Finance Playlist |
Motivation | 10 | Motivation Playlist |
Pets | 12 | Pets Playlist |
Cinema | 80 | Cinema Playlist |
Literature | 15 | Literature Playlist |
Spirituality | 50 | Spirituality Playlist |
Business | 60 | Business Playlist |
History | 35 | History Playlist |
Automotive | 25 | Automotive Playlist |
Photography | 20 | Photography Playlist |
Fashion | 25 | Fashion Playlist |
Cooking | 40 | Cooking Playlist |
Travel | 55 | Travel Playlist |
DIY | 35 | DIY Playlist |
Finance | 50 | Finance Playlist |
Motivation | 20 | Motivation Playlist |
Pets | 18 | Pets Playlist |
Movies | 75 | Movies Playlist |
Music | 90 | Music Playlist |
News | 100 | News Playlist |
Sports | 85 | Sports Playlist |
Fashion | 30 | Fashion Playlist |
Technology | 55 | Technology Playlist |
Education | 65 | Education Playlist |
Health | 40 | Health Playlist |
Nature | 60 | Nature Playlist |
Food | 35 | Food Playlist |
Travel | 70 | Travel Playlist |
History | 45 | History Playlist |
Fashion | 40 | Fashion Playlist |
Music | 100 | Music Playlist |
Art | 50 | Art Playlist |
Fitness | 45 | Fitness Playlist |
Motivation | 30 | Motivation Playlist |
Pets | 25 | Pets Playlist |
Watch Your Favorite Things Through the List | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
What is an M3U URL?
An M3U URL file is a file that stores all the information needed to play multimedia files. You can play various files and stream content from TV channels with an M3U file. So, M3U URL files are versatile.
An interesting feature of these files is that they are quite small. They are also described by #EXTINF. That description tells you just how long the audio portion of the file is in seconds.
Benefits of M3U URL Playlists
You want to learn how to create M3U URL Playlists because they give you lots of advantages. The first is that they let you stream content and play many audio, video, and other files. You wouldn’t be able to either stream the content or play the files without a file.
The good news is that the majority of media players and streaming services on the market are compatible with M3U Playlists. That makes it easy for media creators to produce popular songs, videos, and other video/audio content that you like to listen to.
Check Our Reviewed IPTV Providers:
- Typhoon Labs IPTV
- GSE Smart IPTV
- So Player IPTV
- Weakstreams IPTV
- 247 IPTV Player
- Duplex IPTV
- Swoop IPTV
- Ology IPTV
- KS Hosting IPTV
- Cola IPTV
Creating an IPTV M3U URL Playlist
Using a VLC Media Player to Create an IPTV M3U Playlist
- Turn the VLC Media Player on.

- You’ll need to go to the player’s official website and download a version that your computer will support.
- Navigate to the toolbar
- Select the “View” option

- Then select the “Playlist” option

- Note, that pressing CTRL+L simultaneously will accomplish these two functions for you.

- Right-click on the playlist window
- Select the “add files” or the “add folder” option

- Now, import the audio files or folders from your computer to the VLC player.
- Note: you can always import the files and create an M3U Playlist guide in your player by dragging and dropping the files.
- Click on the “Media” option.

- Next, click on the “Save Playlist to File” button

Using Windows Media Player to Create IPTV M3U Playlist Files
You can create an M3U Playlist Guide in the Windows Media player. Just make sure that you have Windows 7 or an older operating system on your computer.
- Create a new folder on your computer

- Drag and drop all of your media files into this folder
- Drag the file to the Unsaved List Section of Windows Media Player

- Select the drop-down menu
- Click on the “Save List” as the option to create an M3U Playlist

How to Create an IPTV M3U Playlist?
- Drag and drop music files from your computer to the Sansa player’s MUSIC folder
- Open a new .txt filea new .txt file
- Rename the file extension to M3U
- Use notepad or a text editor to open the M3U file
- Type #EXTM3U in the first line
- List your music files on the second line and use one line for each music file that you have.
- Save your M3U file once you’re done.
How to Use an IPT V M3U File
- Use a text editor to open the M3U file
- Copy the playlist URL
- Open the VLC Media Player
- Select the media option
- Now, select the Open Network Stream option
- You’ll see a pop-up window
- Click on the “Network” option
- Then paste the copied URL
- Finally, select the “Play” button
Installing it in IOS
- Install and open the M3U IPTV Player on your Apple mobile device
- Go to Local Path and Network and select the M3U source.
- It will appear on the main interface
- Click on the “Browse” button to add a local M3U/M3U8 Playlist file if you select “Local Path.”
- Copy and paste the M3U playlist URL into the Network box if you choose the “Network” option.
- Click on the “Play” button.
Your M3U Playlist will start playing now.
Installing it on Android
- Install and open the M3U IPTV Player on your Apple mobile device
- Go to Local Path and Network and select the M3U source.
- It will appear on the main interface
- Go to on the “Browse” button to add a local M3U/M3U8 Playlist file if you select “Local provided Path.”
- Copy & paste the M3U playlist URL into the Network box if you choose the “Network” option.
- Click on the “Play” button.
Your M3U Playlist will start playing now.
Installing it on Your PC
Using Windows Media Player to Create M3U Playlist Files
You can create an M3U Playlist Guide in the Windows Media Player. Just make sure that you have Windows 7 or an older operating system on your computer.
- Create a new folder on your computer
- Drag and drop all of your media files into this folder
- Drag the file to the Unsaved List Section of Windows Media Player
- Select the drop-down menu
- Click on the “Save List” option to create an M3U Playlist
Installing it on a Macbook
- Launch a text file. It’s in the applications section on your computer
- Make sure you select the format and make plain text options because you will need a plain text file.
- Launch a finder window.
- Drag and drop the first file from the finder window to your new text file.
- The file will update with the full path on your hard drive to the media file.
- Press the enter key on your keyboard to go to the next line.
- Repeat steps 4-6 until you have added all the files you want to the new text file.
M3U Playlist Guide FAQ
- How do playlists work?
They create a file that leads to a stream of content from the Internet
- How do I create an M3U Playlist file?
- Create a new .txt doc on your computer
- Rename the file and give it the M3U extension
- Use Notepad or file editor to launch the M3U file
- Enter #EXTM3U on the first line
- List your music files with the appropriate extensions
- Close the M3U file when you’re finished.
It’s Easy Once You Know How
That phrase was a word-for-word quote from the classic Dr. Seuss book Cat in the Hat. However, it aptly applies to creating an M3U Playlist Guide. Indeed, now that you know exactly how to create these guides, you can stream all the multimedia content you want whenever you want.
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