If you want to stay in on Saturday night instead of going to the movies, as most people have done traditionally, you may want to consider using it. You will have access to a variety of content which will guide you about IPTV. You will also have something that traditional content providers like ( Satellite and Cable) just don’t offer – choices and freedom.
Xtream IPTV Codes List
URL | Username | Password |
http://dikotv.xyz:8080 | 695969225 | dikoiptv |
http://fortv.cc:8080 | alex123 | alex123 |
http://noxhyetds.nox10a.xyz:80 | johnson1905 | 1905johnson |
http://iptv.icsnleb.com:25461 | simon35 | simon35@ |
http://iptv.ndasat.com:88 | 931384020402045 | 931384020402045 |
http://dreamsat-iptv.top:8080 | SADFFGGSQFDQSDF | rGMSeAaH |
http://iptv.nador-sat.com:9300 | ssps123 | nwUxLew9J2 | | ASMTV | ASMTV |
http://flix12.site:8080 | Emir_Klico99 | jn4uyij6v |
http://flix12.site:8080 | q5hg2dmva | r5jw5d32am |
More Codes of Xtream IPTV
host:m3u.rapid-ott.com |
PORT:8080 |
username:3143263594476672 |
password:2598854265 |
host:bestbuyiptv.link |
PORT:8080 |
username:android1 |
password:android1 |
host:rv.bleutv.net |
PORT:80 |
username:307211551144 |
password:307211551144 |
host:f7.amarron.club |
PORT:8880 |
username:kg14m3n0333 |
password:xcvz24656 |
host:pyramidsiptv.com |
PORT:8080 |
username:benAlaa |
password:829293992 |
host:ipflix.click |
PORT:8080 |
username:w47ih5fvtf |
password:nflig7xpx |
host:mixediptv.com |
PORT:8080 |
username:ali123 |
password:ali123 |
host:rv.flysat.live |
PORT:80 |
username:307211166005 |
password:307211166005 | |
Username : zw1304 |
Password : 506917732 |
Start Date : 17/09/2023 |
Expire Date : 17/09/2035 |
http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
PASS : yZ4waD1co0 |
http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
USER : p42Ji43aSF |
PASS : T4W2Zuiwnr |
http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
PASS : 4vbBRlXLeI |
http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
USER : J3ZKZ7n78u |
PASS : 2sXuzmvMaW |
Host: http://hdhd.tk:80 |
Username ➢ 1314 |
Password ➢ 1314 |
Host: http://hdhd.tk:80 |
Username ➢ 1320 |
Password ➢ 1320 |
Host: http://hdhd.tk:80 |
Username ➢ 1985 |
Password ➢ 1985 |
Host : http://pro.one-iptv.com:25443 |
Username : Khalifa333 |
Password : Khalifa333 |
Host: http://unioniptv.xyz:8080 |
Username: ihab12 |
Password : ihab123 |
Host http://zaintv.xyz:8080 |
Username : akram |
Password : 102030 |
host: |
Username : zw1304 |
Password : 506917732 |
Start Date : 17/09/2023 |
host: http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
PASS : yZ4waD1co0 |
http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
USER : p42Ji43aSF |
PASS : T4W2Zuiwnr |
http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
PASS : 4vbBRlXLeI |
http://4k.dragonpro.net:8080 |
USER : J3ZKZ7n78u |
PASS : 2sXuzmvMaW |
Host: http://hdhd.tk:80 |
𝕌𝕤ername ➢ 1314 |
Password ➢ 1214 |
Host: http://hdhd.tk:80 |
U𝕤ername ➢ 1320 |
Password ➢ 1320 |
http://hdhd.tk:80 |
U𝕤ername ➢ 1985 |
Password ➢ 1985 |
host: |
http://pandar.plus:25461 |
password : D6HPTDLGVASR9DD |
host: http://pandar.plus:25461 |
password : D6HPTDLGVASR9DD | |
username=12345678 |
password=12345678 |
http://tes.casamar.ru:8080/ |
username=mimi_18102022 |
password=7NX48038EV2936132 |
http://tes.casamar.ru:8080 |
username=9MN07951P1375252Y |
password=LVL6jFMaFE |
http://tes.casamar.ru:8080/ |
username=49J49546GV1525430 |
password=BEtESwPkdy |
http://tes.casamar.ru:8080/ |
username=1ND14546CD737174D |
password=K5WtcfNQ4Y |
http://ragnarok.servebeer.com:847 |
username=irishtony |
password=Pvs5LgF6enhD |
http://ragnarok.servebeer.com:847 |
username=26ODZzuZBm |
password=Y8g6AhxawW |
http://ragnarok.servebeer.com:847/ |
username=t364iPeay5 |
password=FJHYgRLnyQ |
http://ragnarok.servebeer.com:847 |
username=shanesteeves |
password=gnqQ9UWC7KDp |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82/ |
[email protected] |
password=eEU26VLZXX |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82 |
username=PaulaSmall |
password=QCmJjME5Ix |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82/ |
username=34298685 |
password=lqoigpaAGE |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82 |
[email protected] |
password=Y6Mz6WizlF |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82 |
username=KamalNaipaul |
password=6XXEywVSoj |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82/ |
[email protected] |
assword=jABJWwErkZ |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82 |
username=Torie |
password=hbXCm0ljMB |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82/ |
[email protected] |
password=8m32qq72B9 |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82 |
[email protected] |
password=U2kbja39uh |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82/ |
[email protected] |
password= y8CsQRTjF5 |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82 |
username=imckay |
password=weBcjweutE |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82/ |
[email protected] |
password=9bw6dANG06 |
http://lucidhosting.xyz:82/ |
username=Happybnblack61%40gmail.com |
password=9bw6dANG06 |
host: http://pandar.plus:25461 |
password : D6HPTDLGVASR9DD |
, |
Password: http://ghostiptv.vip:80 |
Pasword : walid444 |
Password : 1020304050 |
, |
http://pandar.plus:25461 |
password : D6HPTDLGVASR9DD |
http://ghostiptv.vip:80/ |
username : admin1001 |
password : 8888 |
,http://ghostiptv.vip:80 |
username : admin1002 |
password : 8888 |
http://ghostiptv.vip:80/ |
username : admin1004 |
password : 8888 |
http://ghostiptv.vip:80 |
username : admin1005 |
password : 8888 |
http://ghostiptv.vip:80 |
username : admin1006 |
password : 8888 |
http://ghostiptv.vip:80 |
username : admin1007 |
password : 8888 |
http://ghostiptv.vip:80 |
username : admin1008 |
password : 8888 |
http://ghostiptv.vip:80 |
username : admin1009 |
password : 8888 |
Xtream Codes IPTV 2024
HOST: http://portal-protv.club:80/ USER: maricel PASS: 1234 HOST: http://mediaptv1.zuneserver.com:8000/ USER: localchannels PASS: xhga53ls83j HOST: http://xtreamv3-dreamsatsport.ddns.net:25461/ USER: MBC PASS: quAf9q83K2 HOST: http://tv5full.xyz:25461/ USER: jesuschoque PASS: 12345 HOST: http://ok2.se:8000/ USER: a20eF7UjSZ7OZwWzP PASS: 44f1F9UiYONxOYYRV HOST: http://panel.globesrv.com:80/ USER: jQQuLjeBd5 PASS: A9sI5ISX4a HOST: http://espana-premium.ddns.net:8000/ USER: SEBAS PASS: POSOHOST: http://source.vision-new.org:5000/ USER: BELGuser PASS: pro2 HOST: http://xtreamv3-dreamsatsport.ddns.net:25461/ USER: tunisalgeria PASS: HmLUt3cYhM HOST: http://universeiptv.com:8000/ USER: alexaiptv PASS: hvsfw2yfgwu HOST: USER: arabic PASS: 3AFfe8Lpvf HOST: http://silvertv.net:1997/ USER: RlVtFXnamy PASS: ef6ZvoN9Pn HOST: http://kral.kralsmart.xyz:2086/ USER: MbaByXK5rW PASS: 2ku0URyUCtqW HOST: http://livegamer.co:8090/ USER: kamil PASS: 123456 HOST: http://turkiptv.xyz:8080/ USER: kat PASS: 1234 PASS: 8FvAl1mbuE HOST: http://xtream4.xyz:25461/ USER: MBC PASS: quAf9q83K2 HOST: USER: BqDAm0Cdp9 PASS: CbV1T670NZ HOST: http://livegopanel.club:8080/ USER: tati PASS: 12345
HOST: http://bigtv.myftp.biz:62222/ USER: 12345 PASS: 12345 HOST: http://ortak.vip:8080/ USER: ustun66 PASS: ustun66 HOST: http://alemip.tv:5000/ USER: xnKzvl7Tmq PASS: twYTiYJFvI HOST: http://edge.19741977.network:7477/ USER: nPMm0ADbi0 PASS: TPVUoEnmwB HOST: http://n1.viptvclub.com:25443/ USER: V9pNO7ehcft PASS: O0aOynLOql HOST: http://vtpii.net:8000/ USER: 300407482946753 PASS: 62510315443287 HOST: USER: Shooftvplus PASS: Cukhgylc566 HOST: http://n1.viptvclub.com:25443/ USER: VZD5BLnqndf PASS: OOZ5lnIXUg HOST: http://n1.viptvclub.com:25443/ USER: VTUDqFkMLDO PASS: sZhE89RLDF HOST: http://n1.viptvclub.com:25443/ USER: VH21wjDzDA4 HOST: http://aliwix-t.online/ USER: aliwixtvhdd1 PASS: aliwix HOST: http://sansat.net:25461/ USER: 027313437724 PASS: 0AEZ3rG0l8 HOST: http://igelipurdia.live:8080/ USER: 7277286 PASS: upOTtGJebS HOST: http://n1.viptvclub.com:25443/ USER: V2nw9MsXTg7 PASS: toBFPSGwvS HOST: http://n1.viptvclub.com:25443/ USER: VHSqsXtSrq0
If what you have read just piqued your curiosity, please continue reading. I’m about to let you on some juicy information and facts regarding this!
What is Xtream Code IPTV?
Do you want satellite quality and selection TV programming without having to pay most of these providers’ exorbitant prices? Then you need it, all of this and more is possible because it is a system that uses the Internet to stream live TV channels worldwide to your TV set or digital device. Or you want to create IPTV at your own?

If you guessed that it’s revolutionizing the ways in which people view TV (literally), you’re right. You can install it on any new digital device and use them to enjoy the latest or the greatest video content produced. Another plus is that you can jailbreak it, which allows in the setup of IPTV.
Why Do Most People Prefer Xtream Code IPTV?
To extend that question, let’s ask another question, “Why do most people prefer this over Cable and Satellite providers?” The answers is because, “it is almost free – Cable and Satellite TV is not – and because it gives user’s freedom and choices that the Cable and Satellite providers don’t offer!”
How Does Xtream Code IPTV Work?

- You can access it and their codes once you go to a service provider’s website (there are a literally hundreds of IPTV services) and register. But you’re not done yet.
- The next step is to sign up for a plan.
- Then, you make a payment.
- It’s once you’ve paid for your plan that you’ll get an email with the username, password, and M3U URL for your plan.
- Be sure to save it since you’ll need it to access your plan on your device.
Devices that are Compatible
There are literally hundreds of devices out there that you can stream IPTV services on. Below is a short list of some of these:
- Smart TV
- iOS Devices
- Windows
- Apple TV
- Fire TV
- LG Smart TV
- Samsung Smart TV
- GSE Smart IPTV
Analysis of Compatible Devices
Now it’s time to analyze some of the devices that are compatible with it..
It’s free to use. GSE Smart IPTV is one of the most popular IPTV players on the market. You can easily and freely watch all of the TV channels and programming you want with it. People like it because it is compatible with a variety of IPTV playlists. Three of these are M3U, JSON, and Xtream Codes API.
You can also use an Electronic Programming Guide with it. You can download files and view them at a later date – either online or offline. The good news is that you can connect it with a variety of streaming devices that are in either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
Smarters Players Lite
This is a free player as well. What you’ll love the most about it is that it’s a more dressed-down version of the IPTV Smarters Pro player. You can easily access all of the basic features since they’re all unlocked. Your content will be completely safe since Smarters Players Lite is safe and secure.
The player lets you watch a variety of live and VOD content. The good news is that you can also watch content that’s streamed on any IPTV service in existence. Other good news is that the player lets you use M3U URLs and Xtream Codes API to watch a variety of video content and programming.
You’ll enjoy its many features. Some of these include parental controls, picture-in-picture support, and VPN integration, among other things. The bad news is that you can only access it n the App Store since the Google Play Store no longer features it. Another interesting feature of this player is that it appears to support Android devices more than anything else.
VLC Media Player
You won’t pay a cent to use this player. What characterizes this player is that it’s open source. The player can also be used across a variety of platforms. Interestingly enough, it’s one of the oldest players in existence. You can stream just about any type of content that’s ever been produced on this player, even ones that were made more than a century ago.
You can view all of these files without having to convert them. That’s important since many older files and video content are not compatible with newer devices. You can also stream different types of content from various IPTV services and playlists on this player. A more popular playlist is Xtream Codes API.
VLC Media Player has many interesting and useful features that you’ll like. These include subtitles, multi-track audio files, playback, speed control, and rendering. All of these features and more are supported through Chrome cast.
You’ll pay $24 a month for this service. The good news is that there’s a lifetime subscription cap of $499. What makes this player unique is that it’s an IPTV player with two integrated media players. These are ExoPlayer and VLC Player. XCIPTV endorses both of these players.
XCIPTV Player is compatible with M3U Playlist URL and Xtream Code API. It has many things going for it. One of these is its interface, which is so easy and intuitive to learn that a three-year-old could easily learn to use it. Another is ability to stream any type of live event. Yet another is its support of VOD programming. Another feature is the browse feature. You can use it to look up hundreds of titles.
It’s in the cloud, so you can back up and restore a variety of IPTV playlists. You can find apps for Android and iOS devices in the Google Play Store and the App Store respectively. XCIPTV Player will also not leave you stranded if you ever have issues using it with its 24/7 customer service.
IPTV Streamer Player
It’s a free player. Its design and layout are slick and out of this world. They will truly impress you! Another good trait of the interface is that it allows you to play a variety of quality playlists on it. That gives you a world of choices in video content.
You can also stream high-resolution content like HD and 4K from any channel in existence. You can also stream VOD content from various IPTV services. What makes this player especially useful is its ability to stream audio and video files from any other digital device that you may happen to stream content on.
It has a variety of features that even paid players don’t feature. Another interesting attribute of this player is that you can switch between and among languages when you’re streaming content. Some of the more useful features of this player are:
- Chrome cast
- An Electronic Programming Guide
- Native player
- Parental controls
- Catch-up facilities
Frequently Asked Question
- What is Xtream Codes IPTV?
It’s a brand new way to get the world in content at your doorstep through the Internet at a fraction of the price that traditional video content providers (Satellite and Cable) charge.
- Are you able to stream live content with this?
Yes, you can stream live content with Xtream code.
- Which Players Are Compatible with it?
GSE Smart IPTV, Smart Players Lite, VLC Media Player, XCIPTV Player, IPTV Streamer Player. Of course, there are many other players that you can use with it.
Final Words
It is a great way to enjoy TV watching. Now, you have choices. You can watch what you want when you want to. You are no longer at the mercy of Satellite and Cable providers who seem to do nothing more than charge you more and more money for less content and fewer choices.
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